God's Love

But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. (Romans 5:8)

The Bible teaches that the crucifixion of Jesus was not an accident but a fulfillment of God's predetermined plan to bring salvation to this world. In obedience to the Father and out of love for all men Jesus willingly went to cross of calvary to suffer and die in our place for our sin. The Bible teaches that it was God's will that His Son Jesus go to the Roman cross taking our sins with Him. There Jesus also took the punishment for our sins as He suffered God's wrath and the penalty of death. At the cross of Calvary God demonstrated His love for us in providing for the forgiveness of our sins through the sacrifice of His Son on our behalf. In the light of this all men are called by God to repent of their sins, put their faith and trust in this sacrifice made on their behalf and to receive Jesus by faith into their lives as Savior and Lord. Having done this an individual is forgiven his sins and reconciled to God becoming His adopted child. With this new relationship to God that person can then begin to experience every good thing that God in his love and goodness wants to give them.